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Lightning Development

With Lightning, continues to remain the unparalleled cloud computing platform owing to its power-packed, very nimble, highly scalable and extremely secure architecture. Additionally, it offers seamless integration with varied technologies.

With our highly acclaimed expertise and multi-domain development experience, we can partner with you to drive huge reductions in your Time-to-Market and development / support costs; through much focused requirements discovery and highly accelerated delivery timelines. We can also help you re-invent your legacy systems on the platform.


Collaborative Discovery and Project Envisioning

Our certified Salesforce consultants will work with you to come up with a Product Feature Set and portray them in user stories. Detailed requirements analysis and feasibility studies will assist you in taking the right decisions towards shaping your product.


Prototyping on

Based on the high level Product Feature Set, our certified Salesforce consultants and UI designers can work with you to develop clickable, interactive prototypes of the envisioned product to help validate the technical feasibility and garner user feedback at the onset.


Bolt-On Integrations

We have in-depth experience in bolting on to other cloud and traditional applications by either building custom adapters or configuring their pre-built adapters. We can also build single sign on solutions with your partner/legacy systems.


Why use us as your Development Partner

Blended Onshore/Offshore Model: Our business model revolves around ensuring cost effective onsite consulting followed by a mixed onshore-offshore based solution delivery. By switching between permutations & combinations of the team configuration as per requirement, we maintain the highest quality levels with significant cost reduction in comparison to other companies in the domain.


Flexible: As a flexible development partner, we give our clients the flexibility to choose a suitable service model from day one of project initiation and remain open to customization at a future date. All our clients get undivided attention; just great service and no attached overheads of larger companies. You Own the IP: You will own the source code and Intellectual Property of the work, we do for you under our agreement. We incessantly work towards being partners in growth for all our clients.


You Own the IP: You will own the source code and Intellectual Property of the work, we do for you under our agreement. We incessantly work towards being partners in growth for all our clients.

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